​My clients are amazing women & men who come see me to optimize their physical & mental performance, deepen the relationship & awareness with their body & come back to their peaceful, authentic & vibrant center through empowering bodywork, healing touch & compassionate presence.

My practice of Soma Structural Integration (Rolfing tradition), Fascial Stretch Therapy & Cranial Sacral Bodywork, gives me a powerful, effective & integrative approach to bodywork & massage...
​from transformative structural/deep tissue work,
to dynamic tractioned stretching & gentle, clarifying energetic work.

I consider bodywork & massage an art form as well as health & wellness care. I hold welcoming, attentive & collaborative space to create a very healing, function-focused, empowering & blissful experience for every client.

Working with 
Body, Mind & 
Hi, I'm Sannalee

The way I work with the body is dynamic, conscious, integrated & very different than most LMT's (& that is because I trained from the start in 2009 in Structural Integration). Most people are familiar with the oldest and most well-known type of Structural Integration, called Rolfing, evolved by Ida Rolf. I went to the SOMA Institute - one of Ida Rolph's earliest students founded the Soma Institute. So, I do very similar type of work to Rolfing - and I respectfully call Soma a "younger sister" to Rolfing.

Structural Integration is bodywork that is profoundly transformative. My clients look, feel & move differently when they get off my table. Together we release chronic patterns & adhesions, re-educate & revitalize the body, creating more space, length & relaxation, energy, confidence & joy. Clients who come in with pain, walk out without it (or walk out with significantly less if the injury is severe or situation is chronic). Clients who come in with discomfort or anxiety, leave with new mobility, energy & peace. Others experience quicker recovery time & better performance in their sport. And those who are seeking deep relaxation walk out feeling nurtured, profoundly relaxed, with a quiet, clear mind & rejuvenated, fluid & aligned body with more dynamic suspension.

I customize every session specific to each client's needs. Your session begins when you get on the table - I do not charge for intake/getting acqainted time. Unless a client is going through the SOMA Series, or makes a specific treatment request, an appointment with me is typically a therapeutic fusion of Structural Integration, Deep Tissue, Fascial Stretch Therapy & Cranial Sacral bodywork, along with some Swedish Massage for relaxation & integration. Many of my clients say I give the best combination of therapeutic & relaxation bodywork/massage they have ever experienced.

​Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That is how the light gets in. 

~ Leonard Cohen
Working in West Linn, Lake Oswego, Oregon City & Milwaukie since 2009, my clients are amazing...

  • Women & men who are proactive with their health & understand the amazing benefits regular bodywork & healing presence brings to their bodies, minds & lives
  • Elders, Middlers, Youngers & Teens who want to lessen spinal compression, lessen anxiety, improve mobility, flexibility, posture, balance, confidence, mental health
  • Athletes passionate about their fitness & performance
  • Patients preparing for or recovering from surgery
  • Women getting ready for childbirth or recovering from the challenges of pregnancy
  • Anyone who needs simple & deep relaxation & rejuvenation
  • Men & women ready to make transformative shifts in their bodies & lives through the Soma 10-Series

Outcall & Home Visits  ~  Celebrations & Retreats

  • I can do an Outcall/Home Visit to a new client's home/recovery facility if the client has a physically limiting situation such as recent surgery recovery, blindness or hospice (I've worked with such clients in the past). Please text/call me to discuss further.

  • I am available for appointments at private celebrations, retreats, musical performances/concert prep, weddings, graduations. Working in & harmonizing with clients at these sacred & milestone events is an honor. Receiving supportive bodywork during such an event helps nurture/tune the nervous system, deepen receptivity, strength, centeredness & optimize performance.


Time spent on my table is healing, restorative, transformative & empowering. Some of the reasons clients choose to work with me include:

  • Rejuvenation, transformation, performance enhancement, relaxation
  • Improve limited mobility, optimize suspension dynamics & alignment
  • Anxiety, headaches, TMJ, depression, insomnia
  • Chronic pain, sciatica, arm numbness, plantar faciatis, frozen shoulder, hip imbalance, incontinence & other abdominal & psoas issues due to scar tissue & fascial restriction
  • Spinal compression or curvature, posture, alignment, balance, confidence & flexibility
  • Surgical preparation & recovery
  • Pre & Post Natal therapeutic treatment & wellness support
  • Auto Injury Recovery - I see Auto Accident PIP Clients at Harmony Acupuncture Clinic in West Linn & at Complete Health Chiropractic in Oregon City.